Sunday, May 8, 2011

Science Denial

Vaccination, global warming...why do we have such a pervasive culture of distrusting scientists?

That's not to say that you should blindly accept anything. But when smart people who study something for a living all agree about something (say, that there's no link between autism and vaccination) and you can analyze the data yourself and it clearly points to the same conclusions (like a study of 537,000 Danish children that showed no difference in autism rates between vaccinated and unvaccinated children...) I just don't understand the arrogance it must take for someone to ignore that and think they somehow know better, based on the word of some politician or celebrity. We have outbreaks in Utah of both pertussis and measles because people think they know better than doctors and scientists.

I guess Galileo would argue that this isn't a new problem, though.

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